浸信会Baptist vs.五旬派Pentecostal(WarningThePeople)Baptist vs. Pentecostal

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/XEiUgByKJks

2014年2月15日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




当我还沉迷于死的宗教中时,我深信,如果有更多的人像我一样具备圣经知识和正统的神学理念,人会变的更加虔诚,就会有更多人得救。 我深信,因为我是浸信会教徒,因为我受过良好的神学教育,因为我对圣经了如指掌,所以我比其他基督徒更有优越感。 我那时认为浸信会的基督徒比五旬宗的基督徒好,因为他们没有受过什么神学教育。 但是你知道,五旬派的人也认为他们比浸信会的人更属灵。 他们认为浸信会的人只是依靠他们的知识,而不是依靠圣灵。他们认为自己比浸信会的人更虔诚。 其实,这两个教派都属于死的宗教! 真正的问题是他们不是在跟随耶稣,而是在跟随人!



许多人仅仅是想听牧师的声音,他们认为这样就是被圣灵引导着了。你为什么要信任人呢?如果你信错了人,他们就会直接把你带向地狱。所以最好的方式就是直接去找耶稣,与他建立一个个人的关系,就不会被人欺骗。许多的人正在被沉浸在死的宗教里的人们欺骗着,带领着,不管他们自称是浸信会,还是五旬派,本质都是一样。你今天正在听从耶稣的声音吗?还是为自己加入了一个死的宗教而满满的自豪? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

When I was still stuck in dead religion, I was convinced that if more people were like me and had knowledge of the Bible and correct theology, that more people would be godly and would be saved. I was convinced that because I was Baptist and because I was educated in theology, and because I know my Bible forwards and backwards, that I had an edge on other Christians. I tended to think that Baptist Christians were better than Pentecostal Christians because they are uneducated. But you know, the Pentecostal people believe that they are more spiritual than the Baptists. They believe that the Baptists just go by their knowledge but not by the Holy Spirit. They tend to see themselves as more godly than the Baptist people. But you know, BOTH of these denominations are stuck in DEAD RELIGION! The problem is THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWING JESUS, THEY ARE FOLLOWING MEN! They are stuck in the churches that have pastors who are preaching that people should go to THEM. They are NOT preaching that Jesus can actually talk to people, and that if YOU go to HIM, HE WILL LEAD YOU AND GUIDE YOU! What you need to do IF YOU ARE REALLY SEEKING TRUTH IS GO TO JESUS FOR YOURSELF AND DO THE HARD WORK TO HEAR FROM HIM! Most people, they just want to go hear from a pastor because then they FEEL that they ARE being led by the Holy Spirit. But WHY WOULD YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN MEN? IF YOU ARE WRONG THEN THEY WILL LEAD YOU DIRECTLY TO HELL! It is MUCH BETTER that you go DIRECTLY to JESUS, work out your relationship with HIM and do NOT be deceived by these men. Many people are being deceived and led away by these men that are stuck in DEAD RELIGION, whether they be called "Baptist" or "Pentecostal". Are you really hearing from Jesus today? Or do you have pride in your dead religion? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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