GUNS & The 701 - Episode #1 - August 3rd 2022

2 years ago

Very 1st Episode of GUNS & The 701. Had some technical difficulties at first, but please keep watching the show as we did get our audio back from Jamie and had a great show after that!

We discussed HR 1808 - The Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 - discussing how it would pretty much make all AR's illegal and heavily regulated for those grandfathered in. Also it has draconian restrictions on detachable magazines for firearms and any "SAW" which is being defined as a "Semi-automatic Assault Weapon" now. Remember it's always about terminology with commies aka democrats, and this is what's happening.

The Un-Constitutional HR 1808 bill passed the US House 217 - 213. Unfortunately there were 2 GOP RINO Traitors that joined the Communist Democrats, and voted for this POS bill. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Chris Jacobs (R-NY). On the flip side we want to thank the 5 Democrats that joined the majority of Republicans and voted against violating Constitutional Individual Rights enshrined in the 2nd Amendment. They took the correct action, and upheld their OATH to the United States Constitution on this bill!!!

Also HR 2814 was discussed. This bill will REPEAL the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that was passed and signed into law to protect firearms mfg's from frivolous lawsuits designed to make them liable for those who use the products they produce. This is a bad bill on many levels and would have horrible consequences for EVERY manufacturing business in the US, as now every product would be open to lawsuits by anyone who uses any product, not to mention it would be a defacto gun ban as gun makers will go out of business from the financial strain of defending their legal operation of business.

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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