It might be the dumbest thing the globalist elite ever did, sacking pilots for not taking the jab.

2 years ago

It might be the dumbest thing the globalist elite ever did, sacking pilots for not taking the jab.

Christine Anderson MEP lays it on the line telling the EP "It might be the dumbest thing 'they' (the globalist elite) ever did" sacking pilots for not taking the jab and now left with pilots unfit to fly because of the jab.


Followed by Virgin Australia Captain, Glen (Muddy) Waters, talks to Hoody about getting fired on the 20th Anniversary of his career with Virgin Australia. His crime, declining an invitation for an invasive, irreversible, experimental medical procedure. Freedom is lost, if people like this don't say No!

Hoodys Heroes Ep3 Australian Mandate Madness Virgin Pilot Glen Waters Hoody's Heroes.

Airline Pilots, Jabbed, Foolish

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