1-Shot Deer Hunting 2022: How To: Speed Scouting For A Mature Buck!

2 years ago

1-Shot Deer Hunting 2022, On this third episode of 2022 Deer Season Prep: Vince is conducting some pre-season deer scouting on public land on National Forest in the Blue Ridge Mountains. If you only have a short amount of time to hunt each year, then you probably have even less time to scout. In this video Vince will give some strategies on how to "Speed Scout" for a mature buck. Using only a few hours to find an area that could hold a mature buck, he locates dense bedding areas, food, water, and fresh deer sign, all on heavily hunted public land. After scouting for this short amount of time, he has a high confidence level that a mature buck could be using the location he has selected for his tree stand setup. In addition, food sources will identified and located for hunting setups as well. With deer browse lines explained, you will learn how to recognize deer feeding areas, and use them to understand deer travel patterns. Enjoy the information shared in this video and get prepared for opening day!

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