5 Minute Breather | Ep.28 | It’s all about the balance of work and prayer

2 years ago

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Host: Sandra

Topic: So many times have I heard the story about Jesus visiting the two sisters we remember in a special way to day - St. Martha and St. Mary. Yet I’ve never heard anyone state so simply the moral of this story - balance. Especially in an ever life-expense increasing world, work can seem like that’s the only way to get by. All work with no time for prayer or time with Jesus. I’ve been there, for years on end, and it’s only now am I learning how important it is to set aside this integral part of our lives as God’s children. We get to begin again every day and I’d like to challenge us this weekend to ask the Lord to give us a fresh start with this, of giving us the courage to stop a few moments of the day to speak with Him. What I once thought was a time-waster is truly a life-saver. At the end of each day, instead of being disappointed of how much I didn’t do, I’m in awe with how much the Lord helped me to. There is so much less stress, anxieties, and again disappointments because you can be confident that so long as you’ve asked the Holy Spirit to guide you throughout the day, you’ve done God’s will, and you’re so deeply loved for what you’ve done for His Kingdom.

About the 5 Minute Breather Series: Sandra and her husband Paul attend daily mass. For this season of her life, join Sandra for a few minutes every Monday through Friday as she shares the encouragement and guidance she receives each day. 

Music by AShamaluevMusic:Recovery | https://ashamaluevmusic.fanlink.to/dDMeSupport AShamaluevMusic on Soundcloud here.

Come join the community! You can pray with us on Zoom every Mon-Fri evening too!

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