trikafta log entery 2019.12.07.2242

5 years ago

breakfast at church was a simple burrito, i enjoyed but it could have been warmer. when i arrived home i did a pulmazyme
coughing has come an gone in short fits, still unproductive and agressive. around 3:49 glucose levels were around 370 due to morning breakfast burrito as well as ceral i had before lunch. i took the needed humalog insulin and it was below 90 shortly after
arts alive event with hummboldt harmonaires went off well, i should be able to edit the video together shortly. overall a very good day. tomorrow morning is church service, play practice, and movie night at familys place nearby. i've taken evening blue trakafta pill, and will finish today with albuteral, a fluticasone propionate salmeterol dose, pulmazyme, therapy vest, a dekas plus pill, and 10 units of basaglar insulin.

12:58 PM 12/7/2019 2 bowls of golden crisps

2:38 PM 12/7/2019 2 polissh susage and dipping suace

3:46 PM 12/7/2019 blt sandwich with pickle

3:49 PM 12/7/2019 glucose levels 377 / 7 units of humalog

7:55 PM 12/7/2019 glucose levels 86

9:00 PM 12/7/2019 4 eggs cheese sriracha

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