trikafta long 2019.12.09.2241

5 years ago

5:07 PM 12/9/2019 potatoes and chicken, coffee and sugar

play practice went very well, and we were able to attent barbershop practice after, and go grocery shopping after that. i ate uncharacteristly little today. i had been working on video editing and time got away from me. at the store, i picked up a bag of cereal, a galon of milk, heavy cream, martinellis apple cider, instant mashed potatoes, canned chicken, tomatoes, sausage, a dozen eggs, and i had an energy drink on the way home. in just a moment im going to have two bowls of cereal, two sausage with dipping sauce, and some cider. that'll go with around 5 uints of humalog insulin.then ill finish the day with a blue trikafta pill, a dekasplus, albuteral, therapy vest, hypertonic saline, pulmazyme, and ten units of basaglar insulin.

EDIT I should have said 2241, this was 1041 pm and i mis-typed the date

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