Capitalism is not Collectivist: Refuting Current Affairs

2 years ago

Capitalism is not collectivist, unfortunately, there are way too many people out there, like Current Affairs, who have absolutely no clue whatsoever of what defines individualism and collectivism, their perception of both are very vague and they misconstrue the meaning of both terms.

A common misinterpretation of individualism is the perception people have where they think it means every man for himself and that collectivism somehow means people working collectively together. You can tell this particular individual hasn't a clue about collectivism when he erroneously correlates collectivism with consent relative to individual choice, when in reality, there is no such thing as consent relative to collectivism.

Throughout every regime where collectivism has existed, the result has been the same. Even failed attempts at so-called 'Libertarian Socialism' quickly descended into a reign of terror, whether it was the military dictatorship in Ukraine's so-called 'free territory,' or the 'Paris Commune' where mobs attacked private businesses through terrorism, or even Catalonia that saw committees acting as a government set out to terrorise those who wished to have nothing to do with it.

As I have pointed out, socialism is coercive and there is no such thing as socialism without coercion. It is very clear of what both definitions of collectivism and individualism mean and to try and correlate capitalism to collectivism is more or less saying that capitalism is a branch of socialism as the word has more or less the same meaning as socialism, it is why socialism is listed as a synonym for collectivism in practically every source you could find.

It is a very clear attempt, on his part, to try and correlate capitalism to corporatism, which he is more or less trying to argue that there is somehow the best of both worlds between individualism and collectivism. I didn't go into too much detail on the healthcare issue, but I said enough, you can find my arguments on American healthcare costs, the Direct Primary Care on my channel which provide adequate information.

This particular individual of Current Affairs seems to think these elements of collectivism somehow worked and given the fact I was born and raised in a country with the British NHS, I can safely tell you otherwise. Supporters of the NHS flat out deny reality and facts and even contradict themselves when you do point out the failure, they just use excuses and say: "Well, it's failing because [insert excuse here...]"

Nowhere could he justify collectivism, not from a moral perspective, or economic. It's the very reason why mixed economies are unsustainable, it gave rise to all the monopolies, oligopolies and cartels and could never rival a free market in a month of Sunday's, especially on things like fire service, healthcare, education, etc. Of course, such people erroneously think the main American healthcare market is somehow free market when it isn't.

His failure to comprehend that capitalism is all about free and voluntary exchange. He fails to comprehend the contradiction because collectivism is about collective ownership of the means of production and communal ownership of property, that means it cannot possibly correlate to capitalism because capitalism is about private individual ownership of property and private property rights.

He attempts to correlate fascism to that of individualism or capitalism for that matter. Again, I could have gone into detail, there is a colossal difference between capitalism that is all about the market being left be to regulate itself compared with fascism that involves the state strongly regulating the private sector. Cite the book 'Vampire Economy' that clearly illustrates that. As Mises argued, it was private in name only, when referring to fascism of Nazi Germany.

He doesn't comprehend that what differentiates collectivism from individualism is that under individualism, the individual is the primary element of the economy, whereas collectivism, the state becomes the primary element and the people are subservient to the state. Therefore, there is nothing remotely capitalist about fascism as it is centred strongly around a level of economic central planning, which defines socialism, as well as the political centralisation, again, defining socialism.

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