Finally! Historical proof Islam evolved from north to south!

3 years ago

Mel takes us on a journey concerning how Islam evolved over a period of 100-200 years, beginning in the North, and then moving to the South.

He begins by noting that the character of Muhammad is a composite fiction, and the 7th century Muhammad, Ilyas ibn Qabisa, is nothing like the later 9th century Muhammad at all, while the early sources, almost all of which are external to Islam, but from the 7th and 8th centuries confront the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN), while showing this evolution from north to south.

The earliest Muhammad was a Lakhmid King from the Tayaye. These Tayaye were an ancient people who had moved from Yemen in the 2nd century to Shammar, which was Nabataea (in modern Jordan, and northern Arabia), but by the 6th century has broken up into two groups (the Ghassanids in Syria, and the Lakhmids in Iraq).

Tachkistan, which means 'the land of the Tayaye', in Mesopotamia became the home of the eastern branch of the Tayaye.

In 650-660 two individuals, Muawiyya, a Ghassanid, and Ali, a Lakhmid confronted each other for authority, and Muawiyya won out and created the Umayyad dynasty.

Mel then introduces 6 different sources for the Northern Historic Story (NHS) of the pre-Islamic peoples:

1) Thomas the Presbyter (640) mentions that the Tayaye of 'Mahmet' (the Pahlavi, or Persian rendering of the name Muhammad) battled the Romans, thus north and east.

2) Fragment of the Arab Conquest (Syria - 636) refers to this Muhammad killing many in Syria, thus north and west.

3) Pliny the Elder (79 AD) refers to Arabia as 'Osrhoene, which places the Arabs far north, in Syria. The Romans split up the Arabian peninsula into 3 areas: Arabia Petra (north), Arabia deserta (Hejaz), and Arabia Felix (south).

4) Hispanic Chronicle (754) mentions that the Saracens rebelled in 618 in Syria, Arabia and placed the Tayaye in Mesopotamia, with Muhammad as their leader (thus all far to the north).

5) Sebeos (660s) refers to 'Mahmed' as a Tayaye in Tachkistan (located between the Tigris & Euphrates, in Mesopotamia).

6) The Apocalypse of Pseudo Methodius Continuato Arabica (741) places Mecca between Edessa and Carrhae (Harran), which is in southern Turkey.

Mel then refers to another 6 different sources for the southern movement:

1) John bar Penkaye (687) refers to the rebel Zubayr moving south (possibly to Mecca?).

2) Jacob of Edessa (688) suggests the people in the West pray East, and those in the East pray West, where they should all be praying south.

3) Chinese envoys (in 705, 711, and 741) speak of the 'Dashi' (Tayaye) in power, but then between 756 - 758 they tell of a big change in government, and mention Mo-ke-mo (Muhammad), who is a member of the 'Gu-lie' (Quraish, which means 'sons of Cyrus'), the ruling elite clan, who are the Umayyads, referred to as the 'White Coats'. They are taken over by the Hashim around 749, who are the Abbasids, referred to as the 'Black Coats'.

4) Gospel of 12 Apostles (705) refers to the movement from north to south.

5) Short Syriac Chronicle (775) also refers to this movement from north to south.

6) Chronicle 1234 (Dionysius Chronicle of 845, from Theology of Edessa of 750 speaks of this movement from the north to the south.

Why did the Abbasids need this new narrative?

Mel points 4 reasons:

1) They needed to create a new story which was different from the earlier Umayyad account.
2) They needed to erase all references to the Persian (East) and Idumean (West) origins of Islam.
3) They needed a man who came from rags, but then became wealthy (rags to riches narrative)
4) They needed to introduce the Quraish tribe, from which their new Muhammad would come out of.

So, this explains why we no longer have any references to anything in the north, in the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN), because it had all been expunged by the Abbasids and replaced by their own man (Muhammad), their own place (Mecca), and their own story of their emergence (the Sira, Hadith, Tafsir and Tahrikh), which are only compiled in the 9th and 10th centuries.

Sneaker's Corner is jointly run by Mel and Murad. We also work in collaboration with Bala. Our theories are liable to be updated in light of new information, so please them as our considered view in light of waht we currently know. We support freedom of expression, however, spamming in the comment section is not welcome. Please take the time to compose your own view. Copy and pastes will likely be automatically send to the spam folder. We will give 1 warning regarding spamming, so please avoid it. Thanks!

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