Jason's Board Game Diagnostics of Vinyl: Jukebox

4 years ago

#JasonReviews #BoardgameMechanics #VinylJukebox

Quarter inserted. It clinks in the mechanisms and drops into the coin box. After a button is pressed, the arm swings out and snags a 45 from the array and places it on the moving turntable. The needle slides over and music begins to the resonate from the speakers of the Jukebox.

In Vinyl Jukebox, two players draw coins from a pocket in an attempt to collect 45s to place inside their own personal jukebox. Each 45 acquired edges the player closer to victory. Players will compete from share victory conditions based on the arrangement of the 45s in their personal jukebox. Additional points are earned from private scoring conditions based on the consistency of the 45s in their personal jukebox.

If this game looks interesting to you you can head to the Kickstarter page and throw it some support:

For more information about Vinyl: Jukebox:

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***Review copy provided by Talon Strikes Studios LLC***

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