It is time for judgement to begin and all the wicked and dead church people suffer God wrath!!

2 years ago

Jesus is coming for those who truly follow Him and will snatch them all out of this wicked satanic world and He will leave behind all the wicked and lukewarm phony church people and pastors!! The ark has been shut and it will not open up at all to those outside!! When a plane door closes, those not on the flight can not get on!! They had time to board but missed the flight, same with God!! You had time to get ready but you refused to get ready so you all will be left behind!! Jesus will take only those dressed for a wedding! Everyone else will not be taken, they are dressed in terrible wordly clothes and not ready for a wedding!! If you went to see the queen of England without a reservation you would not see her at all! Same with God! No one enters heaven without their name written in the Lamb book of life, you did not RSVP to a wedding you will not be going to it at all!! America is over and will all be destroyed!! No one touches the land of Israel!! No one and those who do are cursed by God!! America is a cursed rotten country now and the leaders are just filthy rich animals stuffing themselves like no big deal in the world and saying look at us!! Our money our wealth it is all ours!! And God says you fools I will take it away from you and your lives to, all the wicked will suffer God tribulation judgements and they deserve it!! God is angry with the wicked everyday!! He hates gays lesbians trans sodomites!! God hates abortion, God hates abusers, God hates self righteous church people and pastors!! God hates cultists, mockers and scoffers , murderers, those who mock God and hate Jesus the Bible, God hates those who love magic arts, those who committed adultery, God hates the rich that steal from the poor, God hates those who persercute those who follow Jesus and kills them, God hates those who made the vaccines and give them out and got them!! All the wicked will suffer God wrath in the tribulation period!! The bride is gone and all hell will be unleashed on earth! The antichrist will rule and control everything and he will kill anyone who doesn't worship him!! God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world! His anger will be unleashed!! He will make all the wicked suffer His wrath and they deserve it!! They deserve to suffer!! Those who sexually abuse, rape, parents who abuse their kids deserve to suffer God wrath!! And they will, those who rejected Jesus are God enemies and will be destroyed and see Jesus as their Judge!! He will not be nice at all and everyone will bow down before Jesus the King of Kings and the alpha and Omega!! All those who got the vaccines will never be forgiven ever and will taste Jesus sword and the lake of fire! He will destroy the antichrist and everyone who worships the antichrist will be destroyed! God did not forgive Satan when he rebelled in heaven and those who got the vaccines say I do not need you God!! The vaccine is my savior now and have no need for you! We worship the antichrist and to dumb to know it!! Then I saw a beast rise up out of the sea and had 10 horns on his head and he gave power to the beast to kill anyone who did not worship the beast, then he forced all great, rich, small, slave and free to recieve a mark on his right hand or forehead and no man may buy or sell without the mark, if anyone refused the mark they were killed, let wisdom know the number of the mark for it is 666, the vaccine is the mark of the beast!! Stupid people are rushing off to get it and to stupid to know what it is!! Once you get the vaccine you are owned by Satan forever! There is no second chance or forgiveness for you anymore! That door is shut in your face and will never be opened! God does not know who you are those who got the vaccines, He sees you as His enemies and you are! Anti Christ means anti God, anti Jesus, anti Holy Spirit!! He will track everywhere you go and will put the mircochiop in you All! You are just robots now of Satan and that is it, it is war between Jesus and Satan and no middle ground at all!! Lukewarm church people get off the fence!! Decide between Jesus or the antichrist! Your church games are over!! You wretched, dead, naked people, since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth! You say I am rich! I Lack for nothing but you do not see how wretched, pitiful, blind and naked you really are, come to me and I will give you salve to put on your blind eyes, clothes to cover your nakedness up, it is over!!!

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