Journeying with Jan Part 8 - Exploring Essence

2 years ago

Prepare for a shocking experience!

This week we are excited to be joined again by Jan. This is her eighth appearance on the podcast, and she is bringing fire, so get ready to sweat! As a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, government projects, and mind control, her story continues to unfold in response to her healing journey. This week she will be covering several subjects surrounding a central theme: Essence!

Prepare to hear her discuss:

• The promise of Jesus
• The Tree of Life and the Tree of Death
• Lucifer and the cult
• Cult backgrounds
• A place called outer darkness and Marduk
• The Chosen Ones
• End times
• Iniquity at conception
• and a lot more...

You won’t want to miss the adventure as we continue to push into deeper understanding of mysteries that have been concealed for ages.

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