[Deprogrammed] CA Education's NPC Factory

5 years ago

Keri and Carter discuss California's "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum" project and question that its goal has anything to do with helping students thrive.

Here are links to the draft documents Carter referenced:
Overview: https://unsafespace.com/451/Ethnicstudies-Intro-Overviewesmc.pdf
Glossary: https://unsafespace.com/451/EthnicStudies-Draft-Glossary.pdf
Sample Course Models: https://unsafespace.com/451/Ethnic-Studies-Samplecoursemodelsesmc.pdf

Comments on the proposed model can be sent to the California Department of Education, the Instructional Quality Commission, and the State Board of Education at: ethnicstudies@cde.ca.gov

About Deprogrammed
Every Thursday at 10:00 Pacific (or 11:00, depending on Keri's schedule), former SJW Keri Smith joins Unsafe Space to co-host "Deprogrammed."

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that Marxist and postmodern nihilists use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Each week, we'll talk about a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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