Top 10 Best Handguns for Hiking (2022)

2 years ago

Top 10 Best Handguns for Hiking (2022)

Disclaimer: Any weapons seen in the following video are props and are only for entertainment purposes. The videos are shot without bothering bystanders and adhere to the community guidelines.

The majority of hunting and outdoor-related jobs are best done with shotguns and rifles. However, American outdoorsmen and women also have a fondness for handguns.

Which is your favourite handgun for hiking? Let us know in the comment section box down below in order to help others in making their perfect decision.

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🕒 Timestamps 🕒
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Taurus Raging Bull
01:12 Smith & Wesson K22/617
01:53 Freedom Arms 83
02:31 Smith and Wesson 500
03:27 Colt Single Action Army
04:18 Smith and Wesson 686
05:08 Ruger Single Six
05:58 Smith and Wesson 29
06:52 Ruger Wrangler .22 LR
07:35 Browning 1911-22 A1 Compact .22 LR
08:19 Final Thought

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Tags: 9mm,pistol,hiking,handgun,camping,backpacking,best handguns,2022 handguns,9mm handgun,compact pistols,best carry gun,new pistols 2022,best handguns 2022,best 9mm handgun,new handguns 2022,top 9mm pistols 2022,best new pistols 2022,best handguns in 2022,best 9mm handguns 2022,best handguns for hiking,best handguns for camping,best handguns for backpacking,top 10 best handguns for hiking,top 10 best handguns for hiking 2022

Some of the footage in this video is not original Strong Gun content. Stock video of products was obtained from a variety of sources, including manufacturers, fellow producers, and others. If you believe something belongs to you and would like it removed, please contact us at gunslingerpro.official[at]

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