Dream that WW3 begun and it will begin!!

2 years ago

I had a scary dream and saw china and the entire army was dressed in red and the Chinese communist leader stood up and said it is time call North Korea, Iran and Russia and tell them to push the missiles!! And they did and huge missiles came up and went straight to NYC and all the cities in America and hit so very fast!! Then huge boats with north Koreans, Chinese and Russians landed in America and they killed everyone they saw and they forced people into the boats and yelled you are our prisoners of war now!! All the wicked leaders in d.c were yelled and North Koreans, Chinese went into the white house and killed anyone they saw and ripped the American flag up and said it is our rule now!! America will be destroyed and no one will escape or hide at all!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great!! God will use Russia, Iran, China and north Korea to destroy America!!! America will be destroyed after the rapture happens then America will get hit very hard!! All the military bases will be destroyed to, America woke military will not care what hit America but will try to flee and will not be able to, all the rich people will try to flee to like Zedikiah did when the baboynians were attacking jersalem! But he got caught!! God will destroy all of America as judgement for being the most wicked country on the planet!! This is God judgement of America and it will happen

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