São Paulo Carnival Champions 1950 - 2022 #carnaval #carnavalsp #vaivaicarnaval

2 years ago

List of São Paulo #carnival champions from 1950 to 2022. General statistics of the winners.

This is the list of samba schools champions of #carnaval2022 in São Paulo. From 1968 onwards, under the management of José Vicente Faria Lima at the head of the São Paulo City Hall, the parade was made official and supported by the government. In that year, the regulation of the samba schools contest was inspired by the regulation in force in the Carioca Carnival, where there was no goal and wind instruments were prohibited, in addition to the existence of a baianas wing, and the flag instead of the banner.

Unofficial Carnivals - 1950~1967
Official Carnivals - 1968~2022

Initially postponed to July, Carnival 2021 parades were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

00:00 Introdução das Campeãs do Carnaval de São Paulo 1950 - 2022
00:42 1960 - Nenê de Vila Matilde - Enredo: O Despertar de um Gigante
01:13 1970 - Nenê de Vila Matilde - Enredo: Paulicéia Desvairada
01:43 1980 - Mocidade Alegre - Enredo: Embaixada de sonho e bamba
02:15 1990 - Camisa Verde e Branco - Enredo: Dos Barões do café a Sarney, onde foi que errei? / Rosas de Ouro - Enredo: Até que enfim,...o sábado
02:47 2000 - Vai-Vai - Enredo: Vai Vai Brasil / X-9 Paulistana - Enredo: Quem é você, Café?
03:17 2010 - Rosas de Ouro - Enredo: Cacau: um grão precioso que virou chocolate, e sem dúvida. se transformou no melhor presente!
03:49 2020 - Águia de Ouro - Enredo: O Poder do Saber – Se saber é poder… Quem sabe faz a hora, não espera acontecer
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📘 Sources:
- Wikipedia

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhstyJSNKME

Sideways Samba by Audionautix is ​​licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Artist: http://audionautix.com/


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