Unconstitutional Awakening ep75

2 years ago

Tonight, Bandit, Ox, Luis, and I are joined by Pike Off OTA, who are fighting the never-ending battle of turnpikes, state level corruption, eminent domain, and much more. It is a controversial issue that is expected to impact many property owners across the state. A proposed turnpike expansion project is causing concern for some property owners. The resolution echoed concerns of Norman residents regarding various issues with the proposed South Extension Turnpike, chief among them being potential destruction and displacement of homes, disruption of wildlife and worries of pollution from runoff in natural water resources.

For of what we discussed and how you can help:




Media and Articles
Inflated Projections of the OTA:

The OTA has a gameplan- and they haven't changed it. Problems on the Creek Turnpike, circa 1990. https://tulsaworld.com/archive/turnpike-chairman-brands-the-creek-a-disaster/article_b845fded-4c14-5e61-b9ea-3ad452a769fa.html

Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Road User Charge TaskForce with plans to implement user fees on all roadways! Look who will collect the fees!!! The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority! Remember, Tim Gatz is the director of ODOT, OTA and the Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation. https://oklahoma.gov/odot/about/boards-and-task-forces0/road-user-charge.html

Induced Demand: https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2022/4/4/ignoring-induced-demand-is-engineering-malpractice

Example of Induced Demand: https://cityobservatory.org/reducing-congestion-katy-didnt-2/

Letter to Oklahoma Transportation Commission July 2022 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jvbnyjuhwzj2yy5/AACcusUMgdLAh2tnCx6J_fVYa?dl=0

On Sunday, July 31st, Dr. Amy Cerato was a guest of Mr. Kevin Ogle at KFOR News Channel 4’s FlashPoint. Check out the replay here: https://kfor.com/news/flashpoint/pike-off-member-addresses-proposed-turnpike-expansion/

Mr. Randy Carter spent thirty minutes talking about PIKE OFF OTA’s mission with on The Gwin Faulconer Lippert Show on KTOK Newsradio 1000 Sunday July 31 at 7:30 pm.

Dr. Amy Cerato talked NO turnpikes on The Ride with Chad Alexander on KOKC 1520 AM Tuesday, August 2nd. Check out the replay here: https://post.futurimedia.com/kokcam/playlist/49/listen-1183.html?cb=1659476068.051274

The Oklahoma Post: Letter to the Editor: Talking Turnpikes

OKC Pets Magazine July/August 2022 – NO turnpikes article on page 16


Oklahoma Horses Magazine July/August 2022 – NO turnpikes article on page 12


The Norman Transcript Article by Mindy Wood, July 31, 2022 - How the City of Norman was in on the plan from the beginning and why the turnpikes are all about bringing high-density housing to east-Norman.


Broken Campaign Promises. Governor says he would never put a road in a city that didn't want it. https://www.muskogeephoenix.com/news/odot-yields-to-stitt-delays-bypass-hearing/article_f486bd5b-f7e4-52cb-8e53-14abe70acc3d.html

Surplus Lands go to Auction: https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2022/05/31/oklahoma-city-kilpatrick-turnpike-expansions-yukon-mustang-housing-market-boom/9850231002/

Data Heavy Links:
ODOT 8-year workplan https://www.odot.org/cwp-8-year-plan/cwp_ffy2021-ffy2028/8_year_construction_work_plan.pdf
Traffic Counts: https://spotlight-okdot.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/okdot::aadt-traffic-counts/explore?location=35.298559%2C-98.687645%2C7.95

ACOG’s traffic data:

Maps: https://www.odot.org/maps/aadt/index.htm

Cleveland County 2021


Historical data:

I-35 Corridor Study Info:



Crash Data: https://okdpswf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=bbceac52ab4644cb8e9d9753bfd8f137

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