408C-125mL Rubber Renue

2 years ago


408C Rubber Renue restores old rubber parts that have hardened and lost their tackiness and flexibility. It causes the rubber to swell, allowing dirt to come out of its pores. When the solvent dries, the rubber returns to its form and remains tacky, allowing rollers and platens to retain their grip.

Applications and Uses

408C restores the tackiness of platens and rollers, helps to remove dirt, ink, and sticky residues, and may also restore the flexibility of belts, conveyors, and seals.

It works by causing the rubber cells of belts, platens and rollers to swell, allowing dirt particles and contaminants to be wiped away easily. Once the product has completely evaporated, the rubber cells shrink back to normal size and the surface is refreshed and ready for service.

Rubber Renue is a blend of highly volatile solvents. These solvents should not be breathed in, or used within a non-ventilated environment. Clean parts in an exterior environment, or under adequate ventilation exhausted safely to outside the building.

Rubber Renue performs best when used as follows:

Use gloves, and appropriate safety measures to prevent breathing in fumes
Apply a small amount of the product to a clean, dry cloth (just enough to dampen cloth)
Apply portion of the cloth dampened with Rubber Renue onto platen, roller or belt and wipe until surface is clean
Allow area to dry until Rubber Renue has completely evaporated
After Rubber Renue has evaporated store cloth in a sealed container until it can be washed or discarded

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