Episode 3 - The Doctor Regenerations Past: "The Baron Wastes Part 1"

2 years ago

Did you find the New Year left you lacking something special?
Was Christmas missing something which the Doctor could not cure? Do you feel a void of Time and Space in your life? Then perhaps The Doctor Reads the Doctor By The Doctor series is for you!

This series was in part inspired by a friend of mine who is dyslexic, and who finds reading something of a chore as a consequence. He is also a fan of the same type of science fiction material. And so I decided to read some of my old published stories (which my former editor assured me had returned to me copyright-wise, as it is now long out of print ;) ).

These stories were written and published over fifteen years ago, so I hope you can be kind and tolerant. That same friend had suggested I could do a series just reading the dictionary. Hopefully this will be marginally more entertaining ;)

This episode is the first of a two-parter covering "The Baron Wastes", a short story so long it needed two videos to make it manageable! I would like to emphasise that this story was written in 2004 (and set in 2040). 2004. Now I'm not saying I'm Nostradamus, and I may have allowed for too long a time frame with the date of 2040 (this was forced on me by the editor, not my fault! ;) :D), but perhaps being a Doctor of Time and Space helps after all ;).
In addition my friend Ella took on the role of the main supporting character and I am very grateful to her for her invaluable contribution.
And as ever I should say it was a simpler age; in those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

Take care.

Doctor Alex

With thanks to the Anti-trekker for his support and encouragement:
And thanks also to Doomcock for his ongoing encouragement and support:
And thanks to Mindless Entertainment for her support and encouragement:
And finally, but not leastly to MechaRandom42 for her encouragement and support:

This video was recorded using a Shure Model 5655D mic plugged directly into a Lenovo X201 running Linux Mint 18.2.
Recording and processing of audio performed using Audacity v2.1.2.
Video editing performed using Openshot v1.4.3.
Intro and outro performed on a Marlin Sidewinder Guitar plugged into a Marlin Reverb 50C guitar amplifier.

If you would like to support my work financially you can do so via PayPal and if you tell me if and how you want to be known I can give you a credit in the next video :)


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