How To Get Over A Guy

5 years ago

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How To Get Over A Guy – What You Can Do Right NOW...

Sometimes the path of love does not travel straight into his heart… And unfortunately – sometimes you have to know how to get over a guy. Even if it’s just to make room for the next guy.

I realize it’s not the best situation to be in – wondering how to get over your ex. But it’s important to know, or else you could find yourself making some pretty painful mistakes later on.

And if you don’t get over the past – stop reliving the past – and move on, you will sabotage the next romance.

There’s usually only one of a few situations that lead to a breakup:

He breaks up with you…

You break up with him…

You both agree that this just ain’t working anymore…
And usually it’s one person who decides it’s time to end the relationship.

Of course, it’s better that you only have to get over him while you’re just dating than if you were married… or you have kids.

But no matter what your situation, I’m going to explain –

How To Get Over A Guy – Fast & Easy…?

Well, you might want to get over him, but you also might NOT want to.

Let’s face it, romances are easier to get into than OUT of. You go through a lot of painful withdrawal symptoms when your relationship ends:

Heartbreak – How will this crying and sadness ever end?
Lost promises – What might have happened if you stayed together?
Jealousy – Seeing him on social media being happy and moving on with his life (seemingly) can be agonizing…
Anger – “Hey! Wasn’t this guy supposed to be THE ONE? Whatta jerk!”
Those feelings you feel are caused more by the chemicals in your brain than by REAL EMOTIONS, by the way. I know this might spoil some of the romantic magic for you, but it’s not your loving feelings that are always to blame for the heartache.

Most of the time, you’re experiencing the pain of losing the serotonin and oxytocin you had in your brain that bonded you to that guy. Sure, there’s some emotion, too. But it’s these love hormones that really make us FEEL the agony of loss.

So we sometimes don’t WANT to let go of our significant other, even when we were the ones who broke up with them. We fall into an ugly spiral of emotions that makes us feel like complete teenagers all over again.

Clinging to lost love…

Out of control…




If you’ve ever driven by your ex’s house, you might know what I’m talking about here. (Hey, I’ve done this. I’ve even waited there for a few hours. Yuck…)

It can sometimes even feel like you’re losing control of yourself, and that can be pretty freaky.

So once you’ve made the decision to disconnect and get over this guy, how do you do it?

Get Over Him – Tip #1: Don’t Dwell!

The easiest – and most destructive – habit to get into is what I call the “Dwell in Hell” syndrome. You start to replay things in your head in a maddening spiral of anger and pain.

If you get caught up in your thinking, what you’re doing is riding the emotional rapids. You’re reliving high-power emotions that your brain is mistaking for a replacement for the love you once felt for him.

It’s kind of twisted, and maybe leaves you feeling yucky, but it’s a habit that is EASY to fall into.

I once had to go talk to a therapist when I was in my late 20s because of a romance I couldn’t let go of, so I know how powerful the grip of love can hold us. I still remember all the scenarios I started imagining in my head.

And – funny enough – just a few months later you find yourself wondering,

“Why the heck was I so emotional over HIM? Who cares!”

Yeah, I’ve been there. Bought the t-shirt, too.

Remember – IT WILL PASS!

Get Over Him – Tip #2: Censor him out…

Every time you see his face in your mind, or hear his voice, or fall back into that Dwell hole, I want you do do something: Yell out “GONE!” in your thoughts. (Not out loud please. I don’t want you scaring people on the street.)

Just see the word “GONE” in big red letters, like on one of those rubber stamps they use for official documents.

And then SLAM that down in your thoughts with a resounding BOOM!

Get Over Him – Tip #3: Lock The Door…

This should probably be one of the first things you should do. You want to make sure you don’t leave a lot of “waffle room” in your decision.

If you dumped him, you should -

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Get Over A Guy

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