Gymnastic FAILS That SHOCKED The WORLD..

2 years ago

Gymnastic FAILS That SHOCKED The WORLD..

Welcome back to Sports Dive, today on the channel we are going to recall The gymnastic fails that made fans go WILD. The gymnastics vault is methodical. “One small step, you know, one inch is a really big difference," former U.S. Olympic gymnast Elise Ray says on the new podcast Blind Landing. “It completely plays a factor in your run and your hurdle and your entry.” Ray was a top contender in the all-around at the 2000 Sydney Games—until it came time to vault. She flipped at the wrong angle and crashed hard on the mat, nearly landing on her neck. “I thought it was nerves, I thought my steps were off... something that I was doing,” Ray says. “I blamed myself.” The mishap is still one of the biggest mistakes in Olympic history. In Blind Landing, host Ari Saperstein talks to several vaulters (some are speaking out for the first time) about how the error in measurement cast doubt on the entire competition—and put them in serious danger.

In July 29, 2000, Ray won the U.S. Gymnastics Championships after landing a Yurchenko double full, one of the most difficult vaults at the time. It also secured her spot on that year’s Olympic team. “The absolute pinnacle, right?” Ray says on Blind Landing. “It’s what everybody wants.” When she fell on vault at the games one month later, she chalked it up to nerves. So did many of the other gymnasts who also fell. It wasn’t until Australian gymnast Allana Slater questioned the vault's height that the gymnasts began to realize what was happening. “I’ve spent countless hours on vault, and I just remember thinking to myself, that vault looks low. That really looks like a low vault,” Slater says on the podcast. More on The gymnastic fails that made fans go WILD when you finish this video.

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