First Attempt at Stand-Up Comedy

5 years ago

Well, I finally checked another item off my bucket list last night. I promised Andrea Sodergren Vahl that I would do standup before the year was over. Last night, she, Connor Dube and myself went to a little club in Denver for open-mic night.

I'll start by saying that most of the "comedians" were not funny at all. Some were downright painful. Andrea is always good and Connor told a funny story about skydiving.

And when it was my turn there were about 12 other people in the room. Most were sitting towards the back. Wooo.. tough crowd.

I'm glad I did it. I got a few chortles and snickers for my haphazardly unprepared set.

Think about bad television sitcoms and you essentially have my set. But I figure if bad television shows can add a laugh track, so can I!

So here's my set with mostly fake audience laughter. Ha! Suck it, audience.

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