"I Think" Your Opinion DOESN'T Matter? Questions Do.

5 years ago

The ego is in all matters, especially being that it's atop the "illuminati" pyramid, of the eye, the I, the ego. You are a perspective, coming from many past experiences, to which you live yourself; but also with others. The great irony has it to where yes your opinion does matter, but it doesn't, as nature's perspective (facts) matter more. We attain knowledge from the world around us through awareness, experience and even instinct. However
trained by humans and even technology to "follow orders" or be a robotic perspective that is to conform, will not have us uniquely experience, see things others aren't seeing and feel what is right via common sense, understanding and reasoning alike. It's a process of gathering information. However, often times we spread our own ideologies onto others, regardless of it's actually innately universally true and without realizing the implications. You will only get karma in response, effects due to the lack of harmony. It's the effect from what you affect. Will you stand for truth or what you THINK is truth? You can think about truth, but it isn't about YOU. Have fun, be happy and don't be part of the problem that is making claims over others, telling others what to do etc. You may speak for what you believe is true, hopefully with evidence and such behind you, and you may promote it to others as a sort of "recommendation" or "principle", but it should come with INTENTION, as to NOT be enforced by FORCE or through the will of GOVERNMENT or LAW. Nature may be seen as the truth, but Government and Law have no place except to limit the freedoms Nature innately HAS; with these freedoms are the truths. What are these truths? Natural law, often at the premises. It'll only become harder to know as technology becomes overbearing INTO our lives. Therefore it is then simple, to understand nature, to understand truth, don't live and promote the denatured. Yes this is my perspective, my opinion. But I know it to be true and so it isn't about me, it's about what's true. Will you? I'm simply sharing, you don't need to take my word for anything, all info goes through YOU.
Too critical or too open to information? How about in the middle.
In fact, too little do people have a voice of their own in this world, but when they do, "I" see it as is often faulty in the fact that the intention should underline the "I think" scenario. Preference doesn't have to be ruled over others but it can be promoted. Let's look to nature and not use law enforcement, EVER... in fact, you don't with Natural Law, the universe enforces itself. We are only denaturing and imbalancing this blueprint instead of working WITH it.

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