Orthodox or "Catholic"... Which is Which?

5 years ago

This program is mostly in ENGLISH.

Archimandrite Pavlos (Stratigeas) interviews Fr. Bessarion, a former Benedictine Monk who was just ordained to the Deaconate in the Greek Orthodox Church by the hands of Metropolitan Petros.

While editing the old U-Matic camera original video tape this program was recorded on the editors of GOCTV noticed something near the end of the cassette. It is a short clip of the Astyfides brothers sitting for a light and sound check in order to be interviewed by Archimandrite Pavlos. We have left it in for our viewers to see. The archivists at GOCTV are searching diligently for the tape of that actual program. We have also left in a candid moment when Arch. Pavlos shows a moment of amused irritation with Met. Petros.

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