DBS 2021-06-20: Daniel Had More B@lls Than All The Women Of Tsushima

2 years ago

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Johnny’s Audio/Video Archive on Odysee
This is my main repository! Everything Johnny is here (including all Resistance Rising podcasts)!!

(All of Johnny’s app IDs are here, including his e-mail...no souvenir underwear, please!)
* Why my dearest of friends Doc Felipe is NOT allowed to co-host: he’s the Potifex Destructor, the blower-upper of bridges like Wile E. Coyote.
* Did the same Tom Cowan who won’t let me interview him write:
Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit
Gay Men and Women Who Enriched the World
* Kary Mullis: “Nobel Prize winner” (why that probably wasn’t a good thing)
* Bad things happen to good (or, at least, decent) people:
• Kary Mullis
• Pat Tillman
• Michael Hasting
• Gareth Jones
• Gary Webb
• John F. Kennedy
* Did their lifestyles give the Jesuits (and Satan) the excuse for murder? Certainly that is not always the case but how much does it play a part?
* Recall how Michael Hastings died: why the Luciferian technocracy MUST BE BURNED DOWN.
* Johnny’s got some big names on the interview calendar: will he be getting the Michael Hastings treatment soon...?
* Is David Icke right about “Reptilians”?
* What can Star Trek teach us about bad-ass gay men?
* Add to the list of sacrifices?
• Anton Yelchin (also car accident): the 27 Club: Kurt Cobain, Jimmi Hendrix
• Paul Walker
* What can Star Trek and Idris Elba teach us about soul-sucking?
* Johnny flips off and loves on “YoungRippa” Eric D. July on gender and race-swapping historically white male heroes.
* Who is REALLY behind these agendas? How can the far-Left run absolutely EVERYTHING?
* The “Marvel Cinematic Universe” yanks HARD Left with NO loyalty to their own product.
* Compromisers are enabling the next scamdemic or WORSE.
* Marvel’s most ridiculous attempts at “inclusiveness”.
* Examining the radical Leftist agenda behind video games like Ghost of Tsushima (rabid, ridiculous feminism).
* Giving up on Dave Martin: I warned you all!
* What happened to the Prophet Daniel that NO Pastor will talk about.
* How a woman can TRULY inspire in film.
* Hat/tip to Joel Kinnaman.
* Who REALLY controls movies?
* From Watchmen to RoboCop 2014: what’s not worth watching and what’s worth watching again.
* Jackie Earl Haley: are child actors just being rewarded for willing abuse?
* Rome protects her own! — the bullshit behind being supposedly thrown to the wolves:
• James Gunn
• Bill Clinton
• Anthony Fauci
• Andrew Cuomo
* Is Scarlet Johannsen projecting when she complains that “Black Widow” is “over-sexualized”? — why Johnny thinks it’s worth praying for her.
* Johannsen: best actor/actress in all the MCU, worst pick for “Black Widow”.
* The Marvel formula.
* Johnny knows how to write difficult comicbook storylines.
* Does Gal Gadot work for the Mossad?
* Some advanced theology: YHWH and mass murder.
* The secret no-one else tells you about “rules”.
* Is the scamdemic a judgment?
* The absolute must-see movie of our time, “Mr. Jones” and why it has appeared now.
* How Satan maintains his kingdom: can it be fought?

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