Are YOU Really Ready for the Return of the Lord PART 3 'Blow Your Mind Revelations'!

4 years ago

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In this video, I put together some very deep revealing truths that are hidden from you. The whole world, over 90% of us, has been distracted from knowing certain fundamental truths. Once these secret hidden things are out in the public again, many will eventually realize the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and come to him. In this video, I talk about the Rapture, the Bride of Christ, the 'Church'. I talk about the 501(c)3 churches, luke warm gospel, once saved always saved, holy scriptures, repentance, obeying the Lord. I talk about the broad and spacious path that leads off into destruction verses the cramped and narrow path that is only found in the actual word of the Lord. I discuss the revealing of hell and how it is indeed REAL. I get into depth regarding just how the Lord is purchasing back his precious babes. I cover many things in this video. Just watch and you will see what I'm talking about.

*Link to Part One: ARE YOU READY? How to SERIOUSLY Get Ready for the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ! PART ONE

*Link to Part Two: R U READY! For the Return of the Lord (PART 2) He's Coming for Those Who've Overcome This World!

#TheTrueSalvation #Cramped&NarrowPath #HellISReal #HolySpiritRevelations

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