Recipe no. 10. Fennel, Swede and Quinoa Salad

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY

Quinoa is not strictly a grain. It's a seed. Unlike other grains it has the full spectrum of aminos. Sprouting makes it much easier to digest , improves the nutrient profile and makes it much tastier.

If you are in the US, get your sprouts from They have super accurate instructions for how to sprout all their seeds and pulses.

Here are their instructions for quinoa:

All my recipes are Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") diet legal. French doctor Seignalet put 91, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his diet. You can read more about the Seignalet diet on my website, here: Or watch my introduction to "L'alimentation ou la troisième médecine"
which I translate as Nutrition - the third medicine. Or watch my introduction to the book here:

The above is my fairly bland description as it appears on my youtube version of the video. The following would get me an immediate ban:

The Seignalet diet is part of my protocol to reverse the effects of the mRNA so called "vaccine". Both covid-19 and the jab are bio-weapons deliberately engineered to kill us all off. The ever increasing multitude of deaths and severe injuries that have already occurred are being covered up by our governments and the media. In the next 2 or 3 years everyone who has been jabbed will die. Go to my website: and learn how to reverse the effects of the jab with the survivethejab protocol. Upload your story. Please let me know in the comments, here or on if you think the protocol is helpful.

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