Who Did Brandon Straka Throw Under The FBI Bus To Get His Jan 6 Plea Deal?

2 years ago

Brandon Straka got reduced sentencing for his involvement on January 6th because he gave the FBI significant information on other individuals. The Majority Report crew discuss how Starka publicly commented that there is nothing wrong with telling the state how his friends are nocent. The MR crew also talk about how Starka was a part of the walk-away campaign—people walking away from the Democratic party.

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This is a common practice sometimes like like I mentioned earlier in the show I have visited the both NYPD and u.s attorney's office and the state attorney general's office and gone in there and announced that you guys are all innocent. And they all those investigators had time for that they I mean they were like thank you for telling us we gotta make our we can add them to the big board of innocent people and because that's the way it works. that helps that helped clear my arrest record thank you. This is like that um this is like that that that part in the sopranos where like I just went in there and I told them all that you guys are straight arrows.

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