Illuminati Bloodlines of Deception 5 - Americas FALL

2 years ago

Video series showing how all the "elites and leaders" of today are really nothing more than the typical dynastic bloodlines that have always ruled throughout history. In this case though, there is much more to them than simply a line of kings. Their power and authority to rule literally comes from Satan himself who is currently the ruler of this planet and it's systems of government, corrupt laws, philosophies and more.

Their ancestors literally made deals with the "gods", really fallen angels long ago. They got to rule while the mentally and morally corrupt fallen angels got worship, obedience and humans to help them in their plan to deceive, control and eventually destroy the rest of the world...but not till just before Christs return.

After the children of Israel were first taken captive by the Babylonians and Assyrians ending in 600BC, they were allowed to eventually released and migrated north and west into what is now the UK and from there to the U.S.

History also shows that the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt did not just disappear after Egypt was no longer a world power. They also migrated north and west, literally FOLLOWING the Children of Israel as they settled new countries and territories and seeking to once again enslave them via any and all methods possible. Today this has principally been done via economics and politics, but more and more by going back to literal slavery.

Remember that when Israel first left Egypt, Pharaoh had changed his mind and wanted them back. The desire of the Pharaohs to get their old slave nation back has never ceased or waned. They also learned new ways to bring them into subjection via deception, lies, money, linguistic trickery and the deception of law.

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