Climate Change being Geo Engineered for the next great problem – Climate Collapse

2 years ago

It's important for readers to understand their model - divide and conquer, or "Problem - Reaction - Solution." They engineer a problem (create a patent pending "Coronavirus") which causes panic, which is exacerbated by the Media fear mongering and terrorizing people (who voluntarily choose this abuse), and they present the solution: The Vax.
Aerosol Spraying program is heavily affecting weather patterns, damaging plant/animal biospheres, and causing more extreme natural dangers such as fires, storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. Aerosol Spraying is but one of many weapons in the arsenal of Geo Engineering, the most deadly are space based beam weapons or "Directed Energy Weapons" DEW which can not only create/modify/destroy a Hurricane, they can create Earthquakes (tectonic beam weapons), make it rain, or make it not rain.

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