Episode 199: Our Top 100 Games of All Time (10-1) or I Think We Are Going to Need a Bigger Big Box

3 years ago


Episode 199 - Top 100 Games of All Time (10-1) 
Flock of Seagulls - 6 days, $21
The Big Shuffle - 8 days, $35
The Book of Lost Things - 11 days, $79
Games Played: 
Lords of Vegas 
Bang! The Dice Game  
Top 100 Games of All Time (10-1):  
Jason 10: Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun
Katie 10: The Voyages of Marco Polo
Jason 9: Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar
Katie 9: Pret-a-Porter
Jason 8: Lisboa
Katie 8: Council of Four
Jason 7: Lorenzo Il Magnifico
Katie 7: Shakespeare
Jason 6: Viticulture Essential Edition
Katie 6: London
Jason 5: Merlin
Katie 5: Newton
Jason 4: The Gallerist
Katie 4: Merlin 
Jason 3: The Voyages of Marco Polo
Katie 3: Obsession
Jason 2: Bonfire
Katie 2: Grand Austria Hotel
Jason 1: Grand Austria Hotel
Katie 1: Coimbra 

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