Episode 205: #theriveted Top 10 Games of All Time or Middle School Kids are Really Exhausting...Noth

3 years ago


Episode 205 - #theriveted Top 10 GOAT
Jiangnan: Life of Gentry - 6 days, $65
Trekking Through History - 10 days, $50
Academy: The West Point Board Game - 10 days, $60
Games Played: 
Parks Memories: Coast to Coast
The One Hundred Torii 
#theriveted Top 10 GOAT :  
10: Camel Up - 
9: Anachrony
8: Orleans 
7: 51st State Master Set
6: Clank!
5: A Feast for Odin
4: Agricola
3: Coimbra
2: The Lost Ruins of Arnak 
1: Grand Austria Hotel
Honorable Mentions:
Wingspan, Viticulture, Werewords, Awkward Guests, Brass, Mansions of Madness, Raiders of the North Sea, Black Orchestra, Circadians First Light, Masque of the Red Death, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Rajas of the Ganges, Nova Luna, Castles of Burgundy, Teotihuacan, Calimala

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