Adding the Finishing Touches//EP 7 VanLife ShakeOut Tour in our OFF-GRID Sustainable ProMaster Van

4 years ago

After spending 3 weeks traveling in Clarity, our off-grid ProMaster van, we discovered a lot about how we want to complete the finishing touches to the van.

0:00 - Introduction
02:36 - Installing panels on the van’s sliding door
03:51 - Installing hemp insulation in the van door
03:59 - Using a PlusNut Tool in a van conversion
LINK(Plusnut Astro Pneumatic Tool 1450 13"  ~
07:51 - Take a Hike with us in the high country of Colorado
10:02 - Awesome drone footage
10:39 - Should we change the name of our van?
11:38 - Why we named our van Clarity?
14:24 - Hanging at the lake with our dogs.

In this video, we’ll show how we finished the van including changing our food storage, adding the panels to the doors. Matt will show you a cool trick he learned when he realized that he should have installed the panel on the sliding door before he built the closet in front of it.

Come along as we take a break and hike in the wilderness close to our home in Durango, CO.

Plusnut Astro Pneumatic Tool 1450 13"  ~

🌻 FREE PDF Download: The Six Essentials of a Sustainable Home Plus Bonus - the Before You Buy Property Checklist:

📘 BOOK Twisted Oak: A Journey to Create a Self-Sustaining Life and Home by Kristina Munroe PE

💻 Online Video Course: Designing You Sustainable Home 101

~ Our first Van Build Video -
~ Our last Van Build Video -
~ Virtual Van Tour EP 6 -

Off-Grid Home Videos
~ Video Single Mom Builds and Elegant Off-Grid Home -

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