Modern Conveniences in a Solar Powered Off-Grid Home

4 years ago

If you’re thinking about building a solar-powered off-grid home or self-sustaining home, then you may be wondering what conveniences you may have to give up. Today, I’m going to show you the electrical appliances and modern conveniences I’ve easily incorporated into our solar-powered off-grid home.

We built an off-grid, self-sustaining, solar-powered home that incorporates:
🌻 Water harvesting,
🌻 Uses passive solar design to heat and cool our house for free - with the sun,
🌻 Heats our water with the sun,
🌻 Generates clean, regenerative power with a small PV solar array,
🌻 Recycles our greywater to grow an indoor jungle,
🌻 And has a composting toilet so that we recycle our waste back into the earth.

At Sustainable Home Resource, we'll guide you step-by-step through creating a home you'll love, without the typical frustration, overwhelm, costly mistakes.

If you are interested in building a self-sustaining home, either off the grid or on, check out our website:

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