Taking OFF-GRID on the Road//EP 1 OFF-GRID ProMaster Van Conversion

4 years ago

Join us as we reveal our latest off-grid project!

Come along on a short road trip as we unveil the project that will take our off-grid lifestyle even farther off the grid.

We’ve dreamed of traveling, but our Toyota Tacoma truck with its small shell just wasn’t going to cut it for long road trips with our beloved dogs.

So we’re converting a Ram Promaster 2500 Van into a tiny home for us to take our off-grid lifestyle on the road.

Here's the link for hemp building materials: https://www.hempitecture.com/

Inter Mountain Wood Products

🌻 FREE PDF Download: The Six Essentials of a Sustainable Home Plus Bonus - the Before You Buy Property Checklist:

📘 BOOK Twisted Oak: A Journey to Create a Self-Sustaining Life and Home by Kristina Munroe PE

💻 Module 1 of Pipe-Dream to Plan - available now:

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