Ray Epps is an FBI agent

2 years ago

This video shows American Patriots the Globalist Cabal's (Cult's) hidden image comms that tell us Ray Epps is an FBI Agent:

All main J6 videos were produced at the US Capitol on J3. It was a multi-day fallsea flaag op run by Globalist Cabal (Cult) corrupted FBI. Every Congress member shown in one of the J6 'attack' videos was there on J3 for the 'deception videos' production on. So were many in the media. There is a comm in every main J6 video that says "Sunday Jan 3 (then gives the time the video frame was filmed.) AI was used to conceal identities when deemed necessary, add comms to the still frames, and enlarge the crowds in the videos. The entire USCP willingly made child/baby abuse (and likely murder after the abuse) videos for the Cult on J3, though the only killings I've found in the J6 (J3) videos take place after well known people finished making their blackmail videos... Alex Jones, for example. The entire USCP has become slaves to the Cult and need to be arrested tried for their crimes. This is the reason for all USCP deaths after J3 (J6.) Those USCP that died from overdoses, heart issues, seizures, etc... bullshit. They, along with the reported USCP suicides, were the few USCP with enough of a conscience to take themselves out of this world before they were leveraged by the Cult to do more and greater harm. Congress, USCP, mainstream media and social media heads, were all part of this scam. They are all lying about the date the videos were produced - hence - "THE BIG LIE."

Uvalde: Same FBI covert deception video team produced the Uvalde videos during the school's mass shooter drill prior. Uvalde cops participated as well. Kidnapped children were brought in... the Uvalde cops made blackmail videos during the drill - the same videos played on the news, only unedited. This is why they didn't go in and stop the shooting. The Cult is sabotaging all SRA (Deep State) in the US, but the blackmailed have no choice but to follow Cult orders.

Now you know some truths no one else is yet willing to tell you.

Good day.

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