August 2, 2022

2 years ago


D finally remembered that he had Coca-Cola on the back porch, tells all of us to drink 1 a day
(M likes Dr. Pepper, D only rarely buys Coca-Cola which I and J like better, but D drinks them all himself (M says D likes Coca-Cola better too but D says they taste the same to him) (D drank a bottle every night on our trip to Austin so J wouldn't let me have any when I asked, then J took the one can I had under my bed from last time D bought Coca-Cola (several years ago) as well as a vhs when I was getting my hair dealt with) (D yelling at J about 'soda vs Coca-Cola' as I type this- I haven't gotten my one for today yet- I hate this house but I have nowhere to go) I'll be 26 on October (which M reminds me) I'm too old for this $#!7

please help me get myself out of this situation and NOT into something worse at

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