Step-Parents - Have Longevity

5 years ago

(Podcast) - I want you to have longevity in being a step-parent. You need to be self-aware of what your triggers are in regards to being provoked by circumstances in your family. Don't allow yourself to be provoked. Walk away! It's easy. Your level of self-awareness will keep you from emotionally wounding your family. Learn from my 18+ years of experience with step-parenting and be a better parent.

Practice being more loving. Practice being more kind. My best piece of wisdom is to give up your right to be right. It will save you. You don’t need to run in with a smile on your face and gloating in your heart that you were right. Let it go. Love covers. Cover them as they make mistakes. You make mistakes, give them the grace that they need to make mistakes. As you give up your right to be right, your family will win.

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