2022-07-31, GESARA SHOW 040 - Sunday

2 years ago

July 31, 2022, The GESARA Show 040 - Sunday
Duration: 3:10:54

Hosts: Peter Walker (in Cologne) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

This is the 40th episode of the new GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

0:00:00 Welcome to the GESARA Show, Dumbing down for the MSM. Pelosi to Taiwan.
0:02:56 Post from Sunny.
0:04:30 Not everybody will be able to come with you... They have to choose.
0:06:40 We still love our misguided friends. We should offer them help into the light.
0:10:15 Round birthday - Show #40. The Ivermectin Show.
0:12:15 Castles bonus videos.
0:13:20 The GESARA News Hat...
0:14:20 When Mr. C enters the codes, do we play Goldfinger? YouTube Previews.
0:16:15 YouTube bans MarkZ. Now on Trolling News Network: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqWI4O ... A16ft6C3pw
0:17:20 GESARA News
1:06:40 Are Trump Coins, etc. scams?
1:08:30 Trump touted the vaccines...
1:11:20 Q: Sam Harding, Pope could step down, not yet.
1:12:06 I: Armoured Military vehicles in central London with symbols.
1:15:30 Q: Grant, Trolls, Stella, Lobstr is Beta Testing. XRP vs. XLM, Coinbase
1:23:20 Q: Grant, What happens during redemption process. Hard and soft wallet.
1:28:20 Confusion with VPN, explained.
1:35:46 Patrice and Grant discuss their differences.
1:38:46 Who said Stellar is approved by the QFS?
1:39:50 Q: Kirsten, The Great Solar Flash on the QMap. Ascending to 5D.
1:46:10 What does August 16th represent? Wow signal!
1:49:04 What happens when Nancy Pelosi goes to Taiwan?
1:50:30 Q: Gayden, "Microsoft has blocked your computer".
1:54:10 Turn our phones off, August 11.
1:59:00 Q; Barbara, How do you know if you are in 3D, 4D or 5D?
2:02:03 Q: Derek, Confusing messages from Charlie and dates.
2:06:14 Q: What new currencies will be in ATMs?
2:09:45 Q: Doreen, If you are going away, should you take your currency with you?
2:14:16 Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura on Star Trek, has died at the age of 89.
2:14:43 Q: Chris, Will solar flares work like an EMP and affect a pacemaker?
2:15:42 Q: Darren, How and at what age did Peter get interested in Star Trek?
2:20:18 Q: Darren, Does Billy use Crystal Meditation.
2:20:34 Q: Darren, How does Billy know you he is phasing into 4 and 5D?
2:31:54 Q: Jack, Iraq ready for RV? Another Star Trek Special?
2:37:22 Q: Steve, Did William Shatner get on with the cast?
2:29:00 Clip from Galaxy Quest
2:41:00 More on Galaxy Quest.
2:44:30 Comments on Star Trek Beyond
2:45:50 Final thoughts? Peter's Holiday plans in August.
2:47:48 Where is Kyrki?
2:48:40 Will the Sunday Show continue an hour later?
2:51:00 Happy Birthday Gayden
2:52:25 Billie's singing voice.
2:52:40 Belgium plans
2:53:57 Good Byes...
2:54:33 In Memory of Nichelle Nichols, 1932 - 2022
2:54:38 Roddenberry on Patrol, staring Nichelle Nichols.
3:10:54 End

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