2022-07-27, The GESARA SHOW 039 - Wednesday

2 years ago

July 27, 2022, The GESARA Show 039 - Wednesday
Duration: 2:48:18

Hosts: Peter Walker (in Cologne) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

This is the 39th episode of the new GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

In this show, we primarily discuss the latest breaking news that over 200 countries have now switched from central bank fiat currencies over to asset backed currencies - the Quantum Financial System has taken over. This is the start of what we have been waiting for all these years. Learn what this means as we do a deep dive into the consequences of these changes, effective immediately.

The show ends with a video showing the timeline being restored to the way it should be.

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