First Vision: Sept 23rd Sign Fulfilled, Birth of the MANCHILD, God of Israel

5 years ago

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This is the first vision the Lord gave me, after I got saved in 2017. I was given the name of God that Abraham used to identify God. I was speaking ancient Hebrew in this vision. In this vision, I birthed a beautiful baby boy and raised him up to El-Shaddai. This vision was given to me two weeks before the September 23rd sign came to pass. I got saved in August of '17. The Lord gave me a series of visions and this is the first one. These visions are warning visions and also visions to know the order of events to come to pass. To see the second one, here is the link.

#BeforeTheRapture #PropheticVisions #NameOfGod #Sept23rdSign #WarningsFromTheLord

*Second Vision: NYC & The West Coast Get Attacked. Jolene Catanne

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