2 years ago

OPT-OUT UTAH and OPT-OUT FEAR! That’s right if you are a parent and live in the State of Utah you can “opt your kids out” of programs, like Social and Emotional Learning/ SEL, Critical Race Theory/ CRT, Pro-Noun Training, Gender Identity Questionnaires, or Social Credit Scoring. It’s your right, and here in Utah, it’s the law. If you’re watching this from another state I personally believe you, as a parent, ultimately have the right to choose what they are teaching your kid. So look it up and see, or contact freedom based organizations to determine your rights. That’s correct I said “rights, it is your right, where ever you’re from.”
That being said, fear dictates action at times, and people might be self conscious, feel awkward, or even scared to speak up. Many do, and can you blame them? Over the past couple years things you say, or do end up all over social media, people scream, point fingers and call names for questioning anything that does not fit certain narratives, by speaking up, or out, something that used to be used to called free speech.
In self-defense we call this “CONFLICT.” For the past 37 years I’ve studied CONFLICT, and trained people on several continents in how to deal with CONFLICT in physical, mental, and verbal arenas. The first thing to understand is everybody deals with the stress of CONFLICT, and in the case of fighting for your kids lives, in public school, you will face opposition, and with it CONFLICT.
The first thing to remember is, you can do this, actually anyone can, and the ones that do it bests are trained in the PRINCIPLES of CONFLICT. Whether you’re OPTING-OUT of CRT, Gender Pronoun training, or Social Credit Scoring for your 2nd grader we’ll give you coaching on how to deal with CONFLICT and win. Whether it’s in your mind, something you hear, or something you say, or do that causes it. The main thing is to “do,” because just knowing is not enough. Be in action, we’ve got your back. Every great cause starts with someone standing up or speaking out. So take action, your kids are worth it! OPT-OUT UTAH…
#allenhughes #lifedefense #optoututah

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