#3 Nerds Talk Retro Gaming

2 years ago

In Nerds Talk Too, Kev and Steve talk about Sonic the hedgehog, double dragon, the price of arcade gaming, Star Wars, Out Run, R-Type, Alex Kid, Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Jet Set Willy, paperboy, California Games, Daly Thompson's decathlon, how sport games broke your keyboard, Hover Bovver and how games suck you in to keep you interested, The Division and collecting recordings, PlayStation trophies, Game Boy, PlayStation 2 Bone Cruncher description and our top 5 retro games.

Listen to the podcast on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4P5IU32BWWGs0jAruPddvk?si=KHd55IgrQjmF5Y2KWOBVyg&utm_source=copy-link

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kev-+-steve-nerds/id1634797043

Amazon: https://q4k0kx5j.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fmusic.amazon.com%2Fpodcasts%2Ff97e6ba6-f3c1-4632-a63f-77b193f10c21/1/010001820908ad79-9951a7b9-69f5-4620-a470-e3e6adce33b5-000000/R8dTLO_wLe3ydc9uTGOypffufIs=278

Overcast: https://overcast.fm/p3865540-9EDoRO

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