Cognitive Dissonance With Minister Cynthia Brown

4 years ago

cognitive dissonance [ˈkäɡnədiv ˈdisənəns] NOUN psychology the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. Cognitive Dissonance with Minister Cynthia Brown – She shares how sad it is that people in the Church are upset about truth. They shouldn’t be upset with truth. They should rejoice in the truth. She talks about the Greek Mindset, Barbarian Mindset, and the Hebrew Mindset. She wants people to have a conversation and get rid of their Barbarian Mindset.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy and the Church is allowing him to do it because of Cognitive Dissonance. We cannot ignore the truth of what former President Bill Clinton, former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton have done to destroy the Church and the Black community. We cannot ignore that leadership in the Church is allowing for Black Pride to take the hold Church down. You will learn a lot from this riveting discussion. Minister Cynthia is a voice of truth for all peoples.

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