Get to Know Sis. Elizabeth Cassutto

4 years ago

Elizabeth Mickel-Cassutto founded LightBeacon Ministries in 1996, after she realized that the Church was missing out on its most precious relationship, the Nation of Israel and the Jewish people. In 1997, she was asked to come to the yearly conference of the MJAA, the Messiah conference in Pennsylvania. Having just published her prophetic devotional, Buried Treasure, the MJAA felt she would be a wonderful addition to their Messianic Marketplace.

In the meantime, (the late) Dr. Ben Cassutto (1960-2012) was attending his first Messianic Jewish conference at MJAA. His parents, Rev. Dr. Ernest & Elizabeth Cassutto, who were Holocaust survivors from Holland, became believers in Yeshua, (Jesus) during their hiding in WWII. Ben's father (Rev Dr. Ernest H. Cassutto), even took his faith a step further and became a minister, and missionary to the Jewish people. In 1974, he published his experiences during the holocaust, entitled, The Last Jew of Rotterdam. Over the years, Ben and his siblings, had received many requests for the book, but it was out of print. At the conference, the Lord had put it on Ben's heart to re-write the book. That conference is where Ben met Elizabeth Mickel, and he was attracted to her colorful book table, which showed her clear love for the Jewish people, as well as displaying the book she had written. Ben read the book in one night and knew that this woman was to be his wife. Ben was in the US Army at the time, prior to him boarding the plane for his next assignment in Japan (for the US Army), when he stopped at the MJAA conference in Pennsylvania and met his soon-to-be bride. They were married on June 7, 1998 in Pennsylvania, when Ben was home on leave. During this time, Ben earnestly researched his family experiences during the Holocaust, both in Holland and in the States. His mother, Elisabeth Rodrigues Cassutto was also a Holocaust survivor from Holland. Finally in September of 2001, The Last Jew of Rotterdam, the revised edition was published by Purple Pomegranate, a division of Jews for Jesus.

Elizabeth continues to write a newsletter, and has other articles, blogs, books, and recently took the adventure into online webinars and conferences, with the aim of sharing the good news about "Yeshua" (Jesus) and how it is so important to call upon his name in these "End Times". I hope you will visit the link, and learn more about 'Lightbeacon Ministry & Services' and visit the other links as well. Shalom Chaverim!

Visit her website - Click Here

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