Some Stuff That Shouldn't Be Said - Racism

4 years ago

Racism from any direction should just not be tolerated in the Church but I find that more and more "christians" are racist. They don't want to admit it but they are. You are going to be surprised at who I am talking about. White privilege is a term that has caused white people to feel guilty for things that they are not responsible. I was disappointed to here that leaders who are black in the Church are using an article by John Pavlovitz to further separate and divide the Church. - Click Here to read the article titled, "White Evangelicals, This is Why People Are Through With You". The Church has to change.

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to 476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst & 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst


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