The shape of our thoughts -8-5 #justfortoday #jftguy #jft "Just for Today N A" Daily Meditation

2 years ago

Is NA for me?
This is a question every potential member must answer for themselves. It may help to read some of our informational pamphlets, starting with

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If you’re an addict, NA can help. "Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery to addicts around the world. We focus on the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. Our message is broad enough to attract addicts from any social class or nationality. When new members come to meetings, our sole interest is in their desire for freedom from active addiction and how we can be of help." (It Works: How and Why, “Third Tradition”)
If you’re planning to attend your first meeting, you may also be interested in

IP #29, "An Introduction to NA meetings
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The Digital version of Just for Today

00:00 The shape of our thoughts
00:16 Addiction shaped our thoughts in its own way
01:54 Just for today: I will allow spiritual ideals to shape my thoughts. In that design, I will find the shape of my own Higher Power.
Just For Today
Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts
August 5
The shape of our thoughts
"By shaping our thoughts with spiritual ideals, we are freed to become who we want to be"
Basic Text, p.101
Addiction shaped our thoughts in its own way. Whatever their shape may once have been, they became misshapen once our disease took full sway over our lives. Our obsession with drugs and self molded our moods, our actions, and the very shape of our lives.
Each of the spiritual ideals of our program serves to straighten out one or another of the kinks in our thinking that developed in our active addiction. Denial is counteracted by admission, secretiveness by honesty, isolation by fellowship, and despair by faith in a loving Higher Power. The spiritual ideals we find in recovery are restoring the shape of our thoughts and our lives to their natural condition And what is that "natural condition"? It is the condition we truly seek for ourselves, a reflection of our highest dreams. How do we know this? Because our thoughts are being shaped in recovery by the spiritual ideals we find in our developing relationship with the God we've come to understand in NA. No longer does addiction shape our
thoughts. Today, our lives are being shaped by our recovery and our Higher Power.
Just for today: I will allow spiritual ideals to shape my thoughts. In that design, I will find the shape of my own Higher Power.

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