9 Prophetic Visions: Rapture, Nuclear, Resurrection, Asteroid, Flooding, Aliens are Demons!

5 years ago

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In 2017, two weeks before the Sept 23rd Sign in the Heavens, I got saved and left behind the New Age. The Lord gave me a series of prophetic visions from the Lord Jesus 'Yeshua' the Messiah. First Vision: I birthed a baby boy and was given the original name of God that Abraham called GOD. 2ND Vision: I was shown NY gets nuked, and the West Coast get bombed. 3RD Vision: I heard an Asteroid coming and was shown a certain phase of the moon. 4TH Vision: Massive Epic RECORD breaking World Wide Earthquake occurs. 5TH Vision: I was shown that people board up and lock down their houses and that the dead, along with demons roam the Earth during a Strange dark time that swallows the Earth. 6TH Vision: I experienced the terror of these unrighteous souls of people and unclean demon spirits wanting to come into my home and then I witnessed a man get raptured. People are going to panic and think they are seeing Aliens, when what they are really seeing are demons. Alien invasion will be what they think is happening, when it's really the rapture. There will be no EMP! I saw green skies and meteors falling upon the Earth during this time. 7TH Vision: I was shown that it is at this time, right after the Rapture that an Asteroid slams into Earth, off the Coast of Florida. 8TH Vision: In this vision, I am on my neighbor's roof, looking at the roof top of my own home and that everywhere is severely flooded up to the roof tops of houses. (The rest are 3 Dreams) Heart breaking dreams. *I was given a dream of camps FEMA camps, and being being forced to worship the Anti-Christ Mahdi. *I was shown people living like animals, eating people, being shot at random by 'Judge Dredd' type soldiers, burning trash, starving and living in a trashed world where ash falls from the skies and people are blind and going blind just for opening their eyes too long in the atmosphere of the future world. I was shown that Christians are hunted, killed and how the name of JESUS will become outlawed. I was shown several aspects of what's to come for those who do not believe and who refuse to repent and get saved. NOT GOOD!!!

#PropheticRaptureVision #VisionOfResurrection #AliensAreDemons

* First Vision: Sept 23rd Sign Fulfilled, Birth of the MANCHILD, God of Israel

* Second Vision: NYC & The West Coast Get Attacked. Jolene Catanne

**DREAM* Possible TERRORIST ATTACK on the Money 'Dollar'

*ZOMBIE DREAM of Demons Reanimating the DEAD! Spiritual Warfare Dream!

*The Alien Invasion & Rapture of the Bride (Secret of the Druids) See til end! #JoleneCatanne

*World Wide Alert! Alien Invasion or Demonic Attack The Coming Plasma Storm & The Rapture!

*They Are Coming! FOR REAL!

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