Smoking DMT at the Peak of an Ayahuasca Ceremony

5 years ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only. This may not be safe, as I explain in the video. It is certainly not for the neophyte. Lots of experience is needed to navigate this space at this level.
I have had difficulty breaking through on DMT for quite some time, and I reasoned that if I was already with the medicine, it would be easier. So I called up my favorite local Ayahuasquero, and headed over for a mega-trip.
My main motive, however, was attempting to alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome. I have suffered from this off and on for a few decades. Mostly on. I once smoked DMT and experienced total remission, instantly. To be quite honest, I only experienced symptoms again after I choose to engage in behaviors known to trigger CFS.
Recently, studies have uncovered the reason for this, as well as indicating that DMT could be a miracle treatment for a host of difficult, and even currently untreatable mental and physical illnesses, from reviving people in comas, to depression and PTSD, parkinsons, Alzheimers and, many more.
It did work, it seems. I felt better immediately.
I go into more detail in regards to the mechanisms behind this in the video, and there is a link below to my blog.
I also get discuss interesting parallels between the creation mythos of the Shuar and Judaism, the DMT entities, teleapathy, and precognition, all faculties of mind that are much more easily engaged when using DMT and ayahuasca. Thanks for watching!
My first Patron only video, Masonic Secrets Revealed (I know it sounds clickbaity, and it is. Nonetheless, I will make up for it by delivering) so click the link and support the (r)evolution.
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