Satan's NWO "Black Sun" Sabbatean Frankist Nazi Chabad plan to exterminate Slav & Lyran & Rus people

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (July 2022).

Satan Lucifer’s eugenics program seems to include the Slavs and Rus Rosh people and colored people and their own reptilian hybrid Satanists and eventually all free-thinking free-willed life forms in the universe for replacement with automaton hive-mind universe life forms for use by the released most destructive evil fallen angel devils imprisoned in the Saturn abyss

It seems Satan Lucifer’s Saturn Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Saturnalian “Black Sun” black nobility families’ Sabbatean Frankist Nazi 4th Reich space fleet Blackwater company Nazi SS nephilim army and Sabbatean Frankist communist Zionist Chabad reptilian hybrid Satanists are planning to exterminate all Slavs and Rus & Rosh people and Proto-Slav and 16th planet Pleiadian neutral fallen angels from existence. They consider the Pleiadians and Lyrans and Slavs and non-reptilian humanoids & life forms as an inferior race, along with all other colored people. Any creature that is not Satan Lucifer’s reptilian rebel angels are considered inferior eugenics life forms by these genocidal psychopaths. That may be why their “Planned Parenthood” Nazi eugenics feminist witches are killing all the black community fetuses, and blacks and Asians and Hispanics using the COVID19 fake Coronavirus biochemical weapon vaccines. It is an ethnic cleansing. They are also systematically exterminating all the homosexual gay people using their new Monkey Pox biochemical weapon vaccine. Satan Lucifer and his reptilian rebel angels and Illuminati NWO is exterminating everyone. They will be exterminating their own Satanist reptilian hybrids and other free thinking, free willed, fallen angel demon-possessed hive-mind neuralink AI “black goo” Borg vaccine non-vaccinated, free operating life forms from the universe. They really do not like my daily sermon I am writing right now, because they are frantically attacking both my heart and right waist and right genital from behind. Do they think they can kill God’s “watchmen on the wall” and send God fleeing? Are they so stupid? Someone get them a psychiatrist. End of transmission…

Luciferians think they will get more time to survive by playing along with the devil

The more evil you are, the more dumber you get, and the more Holy Spirit of God you have, the more wiser you are. I will tell you how utterly absolutely completely dumb these Luciferian Satanists are. They agreed to help Satan Lucifer destroy the human and humanoid species and other species and our allies and rival factions and who they consider as inferior other reptilian species and the universe’s life forms, because they would be allowed to exist a little while longer than all the rest of the people. They do not have the common sense of the Holy Spirit. Do they not know that once the human specie is exterminated and Satan Lucifer is able to get the worst most destructive fallen angel devils released from the abyss, they will be exterminated, too? Are they so dumb? Do these “kapo” people think that after the Jews are all exterminated, they would have years and years of life before they are thrown into the Nazi holocaust camp gas chambers, too? Or perhaps, fed to the most horrific fallen angel devils that will be released? They will listen to any lie that the devil gives them because they are so stupid. But it serves them right. End of transmission…

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